Robert Bee is a retired Qantas pilot and at 99 years of age, he can look back over a very enjoyable life. He’s chosen to stay living in his own home in Sydney, with his wife, Joy. They can do this because they’ve hired NurseWatch to help them ‘live the dream’ and stay at home and retire their own way.
The NurseWatch team helps them by cooking all of their meals, cleaning up their home and administering any health care they need. The majority of the NurseWatch staff are qualified, experienced nurses who can provide premium medical care if needed, but at the same time, they can also help with other aspects of daily life including enjoyable experiences such as yoga and massage for their clients.
We spoke with Robert recently in his home in Sydney and we asked him did he enjoy his life as a Qantas pilot? “I had a very enjoyable life with Qantas,” he said. “I was based overseas for many, many years. In London, in New York, San Francisco.”

When asked what did he like about working as a Qantas pilot, he answered: “The flying, the travel, everything, everything. It’s the kind of life that very, very few people experience.”
We agreed with him, because 50 or 60 years ago, not that many people traveled to New York and London on a regular basis – let alone had the chance to take their family with them and live there for a few years. You can take a listen to what Robert says in the video below:
Making the decision to retire at home with his wife, Joy
Robert heard about NurseWatch and what Kate Alexander – the director of the company – was achieving for older people who wanted to keep living in their own home and retire the way they wanted to. So he and Joy decided this was the right way for them to retire.
We asked Robert what does the NurseWatch team do for you and Joy?
“Whatever we want. It’s amazing,” he said. “They’re very kind, all of them.”
Because you’ve got them here helping you, does that mean you and Joy can stay here and you don’t have to move to a retirement village?
“Oh, we’re not going anywhere. This is our retirement,” Robert answered.
And that’s what you want.
“Yes. We set the the whole thing up as our retirement place. Nobody’s going to move us.
Is there anything else you wanted to say about the team? Do they cook you meals?
“Yes. They cook meals for us. We don’t do any cooking, let’s put it that way,” Robert said.

And do they clean up?
“Oh, yes. You wouldn’t believe how lucky we are. Everybody’s so kind to us,” Robert answered.
And you’re enjoying life with your wife, Joy – at 99 – that’s a major achievement.
“Yes, we’re together. Not many people our age enjoy what we enjoy now. We set up our retirement, and what we wanted, and we have got the whole lot,” said Robert.
So, Robert, I understand you’re 99 now, and you’re turning 100 next year. When are you turning 100?
“On my birthday and that’s on the 1st of April,” said Robert. “On my birthday and that’s on the 1st of April. Please don’t laugh.”
That’s an achievement, isn’t it? Will everyone be calling you a centenarian?
“I don’t mind what they want to call me,” said Robert (he’s still very fast with the jokes!)
Well, that’s an achievement in itself. So you’ve had a life of achievements – being one of the first pilots to travel constantly and to fly planes for Qantas. Then you’re retiring the way you’ve planned. And soon you’ll be turning 100 and you’re still in your own home!
“Yes,” said Robert.
They’re a lot of achievements, aren’t they?
“They are,” said Robert.
Good on you. Thanks, Robert.
Some more information about NurseWatch: NurseWatch is a healthcare company set up by director, Kate Alexander, to cater to the large numbers of our older population in Australia. Kate was motivated to provide a care-in-the-home company with a different model of aged care which helps more Australians stay living in their own home.
“We understand the current mindset of ageing people,” says Kate. “NurseWatch’s model is focused around affordable, premium care in the home because people want to remain living in their own homes for longer.”
“At NurseWatch we’re set up to help people access quality care at home so they can age gracefully and comfortably in their own home and not have to move out to an aged care facility,” she adds.
Another advantage of the way NurseWatch is set up is the fact clients are able to book small blocks of care or extended periods – whatever they need. “We work when our clients need us, around the clock,” Kate says.
Clients can book in for wellness sessions any time
NurseWatch provides regular wellness sessions and these can be booked online on the NurseWatch website. By using this service, people can access instant, unlimited quality care in the home, at any time 24/7.
Kate adds the NurseWatch model of care also relieves the emotional stress placed on families when one of the members of their extended family becomes ill and family members volunteer to be the primary carer. In this role, they don’t want to put their loved ones into aged care, so by working with NurseWatch, they can hire a “family nurse” who can come around to the home and help their loved ones at those times when everyone else is busy.
For more from NurseWatch about how they care for people in their own homes, visit here.
For more information on NurseWatch, click here.
Or call the NurseWatch team for more information on (02) 9167 8129.