NurseWatch Team Learns Valuable Data to Help Provide the Best Level of Care
The team of nurses, nutritionists and naturopaths at NurseWatch received an extra-special training course recently where they learnt all the latest information about how to stay calm and centred during their day – enabling them to deliver the best level of care to their clients. The training was given by Jo Clarke and Tracey Crosswell […]
Joyce Cheng’s Research Paper Reveals the Full Story Behind NurseWatch
11th May 2023When talking about ageing and elderly care, often the stereotypical image that comes to mind is one of socially isolated older people sitting around and living out the rest of their days, in and out of hospitals. This is not what Kate Alexander had in mind when she founded NurseWatch, a premium, professional, […]
In Focus: NurseWatch
(This article has been republished from Global-Mark’s website – click here.) 12 February, 2024 Health, Quality, Environment & WHS, Success of Clients Builds a Strong Company Framework Innovative aged care company, NurseWatch, attained its achieved its ISO 9001 certification from Global-Mark in 2019 because the company’s founder, Kate Alexander, felt this internationally recognised standard for […]
A New Era in Home Care with NurseWatch
(This article has been republished from Global-Mark’s website.) As large numbers of Baby Boomers are growing older, aged care is booming in Australia. Motivated to provide a care-in-the-home company to cater for these boomers, Kate Alexander started a company called NurseWatch with a model of aged care which is in tune with the Australian government’s recent […]