Continual Measurement of Outcomes


As part of our commitment to delivering quality home care services we continually measure the following outcomes as part of our quality and assurance processes:

Quality Objectives
Through effective management, NurseWatch will aim to achieve the following quality objectives:
• The clients of the organisation can remain in their own home
• Clients are consulted about what service they need and how services are delivered to them
• Clients achieve a high degree of independence and quality of life
• People with complex care needs receive care coordination and flexible support
• Families or other primary caregivers are supported in their role
• The organisation embraces all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation, and gender identity
• Clients can have appropriate cross-service referral
• Informal and formal caring networks are integrated
• A strong customer focus is maintained
• The organisation operates in an effective, efficient, and accountable manner
• NurseWatch Services continuously improve to meet the needs of our clients in the community
• Maintain accreditation certification – see our story at Global-Mark here

For more from the NurseWatch team about how we work, visit us here.
